Tuesday 1 October 2013

AS Media Task



This article is a positive representation of the working/under class. It shows a 28 year old mother that instead of going out and buying expensive gym equipment, used household objects and turned them into weights and hurdles etc. It is shown positively as it depicts this woman as a role model for people like her, it shows how loosing weight (and in such an innovative way) can make you feel better.


In the popular tv show and movie The Inbetweeeners, The main characters are predominantly male, and are represented in a negative way. This is shown as in almost every episode the boys use swear words constantly, abuse each other at every chance they get, and always seem to get in to worst situation possible sometimes even breaking the law. You can also see this in characters that arnt the same age such as Simon's dad who always has stories about sex.


The Breakfast Club is a film about five kids from different friendship groups that all get detention on the same day and become friends, but implies that they are all the same and shows the age bracket in a negative way. It does this by showing them misbehave in school. They talk back to teachers, discus who is a virgin and other sexual topic, and even do drugs at one point.


In Channel 4's My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding, the race Romany Gypsies are represented in a negative way as they show the tax dodging, benefit fraud Gypsies instead of the ones who make honest livings. It also depicts them as being very extravagant and shows their demeaning opinion of women in society by saying they are not aloud to work and holding on to old fashioned ideas.


In the show Sons Of Anarchy, you get to see the life of a biker gang, but it isnt the bikers that have the strongest sexuality, its Clay's wife, she is married to the leader of the biker gang, and although Clay is the leader, she can boss people round without anyone even looking back at her. Showing that she is in charge and she knows it.

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